The ACE curriculum through Modern Foreign Languages… 


To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world – Chinese Proverb.


At Cavendish Close Junior Academy, our aim is to inspire a lifelong love of languages and awareness of different cultures. The Academy’s chosen language is French which is reputed to be the second most widely used language in Europe, after English. Our curriculum therefore considers the requisite to develop the practical communication skills through teaching and practice with the need to encourage an understanding of the culture and customs of French speaking countries. 

Throughout the key stage, children participate in enjoyable and stimulating lessons within their class to develop their French literacy, oracy and vocabulary. This enables them to listen, understand and respond to both spoken and written language with increasing accuracy in pronunciation and grammatical structures. By covering a variety of units, children are supported to communicate information about themselves, family and friends, hobbies, pets, food, transport and time. Children will regularly revisit and progressively develop the vocabulary found in these units during their time at Cavendish Close to aid their long term memory. Within the aforementioned units and additional units about towns and the world, children gain an understanding of the French culture and where the French language is spoken around the world.

At Cavendish Close Junior Academy, the study of French empowers our children to aspire to greater achievements by providing them with a solid foundation for future language learning abilities and an opening to another culture with the possibility to travel, work or study abroad. The ability to speak another language, such as French, is a valuable skill which we actively foster to nurture self-confidence and cultural capital.

Our interactive approach to French encourages all children to collaborate with their peers and apply their practical communication skills. By orally rehearsing conversations, holding discussions, asking and responding to questions amongst their peers, children become increasingly confident in speaking and listening to the French language. Additionally, children are encouraged to listen to each other and to others’ points of view with respect and patience.  

Children have a positive experience of French as we aim to create an environment where French is valued, promoted and appreciated.  Children are immersed in the French language through regular lessons and incidental French, with vocabulary placed around the classroom and academy. Furthermore, a range of experiences are planned throughout the year to motivate, captivate and interest the children in the French language, including national competitions with external companies and a Languages Day. 

Through all of these, our children are able to become ACE French linguists. 

 Miss F Winfield 

Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Lead 

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