
The ACE curriculum through History 

“A generation which ignores history has no past – and no future.” Robert A. Heinlein

At Cavendish Close Junior Academy, we aspire to help children develop as Historians through a range of learning experiences. It is our intention that all children develop a sense of chronology across British, local and world history that enables them to talk with confidence about the past, referring to historical terms, dates and periods, whilst noting connections, contrasts and trends over time. Throughout the curriculum we focus on five main concepts: Leadership, Settlement, Belief, Invasion and Innovation. In History, our aim is to increase pupils’ awareness and knowledge of a range of historical individuals who have created legacies and who have influenced our lives today.   

By collaborating with their peers, children develop their curiosity and questioning through enquiry and the use of high-quality sources.  Children will investigate and interpret events from the past using a range of historical sources that address questions (some of which children devise themselves) about: change, cause, similarities, difference and significance. In addition to working as a team, children are also encouraged to respectfully challenge each other’s’ views and evidence their findings using research.  

Our History teaching offers opportunities for children to recall and organise historical knowledge which engages and ignites their curiosity. All children develop a progressive historical vocabulary that enables them to confidently express their ideas and opinions. Through the History curriculum, children gain a range of historical experiences via themed days, educational visits and external specialists’ visits. They experience a wide range of practical activities which encourage them to challenge historical views and question theories. Children are able to build upon their prior knowledge and embed this into their long-term memory through a range of retrieval tasks.   

Through all of these, our children are able become ACE Historians. 


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Vicky Ratcliffe: Office Manager

01332 672338


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
