World Book Day

We always enjoy dressing up for World Book Day at Cavendish Close but chose to develop our vocabulary further this year by dressing up as a word.  There was lots of creativity in all classes and children were eager to share their word and explain how their costume idea had evolved. 
We enjoyed a virtual author visit from Kandace Chimbiri, who told us all about her life as an author, focussing on her non-fiction book 'The story of the Windrush.'  She told us about the lives of her parents, who originated from Barbados and came over to Britain for a better life in 1960, with only one suitcase in their hands.  She also informed us about the research she had done to tell the story of 'The Windrush generation' and the challenges she faced and determination she needed to get the book published.  Children from every class were then able to ask questions about her career and inspirations and listen to her advice for them to become budding authors themselves. 

All children enjoyed taking their new World Book Day books home and will add them to their ever-growing Harmony READ, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED bookshelves at home!


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Vicky Ratcliffe: Office Manager

01332 672338

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)