Curriculum Intent

Rationale for Curriculum Design

(Paper copies of our curriculum can be obtained from the academy office).

Following extensive self-evaluation and an in depth knowledge of the local community, school leaders have a clear rationale for their curriculum design. Following careful analysis of the barriers to learning which include some children  having well- being needs, high levels of deprivation and disadvantage, limited social and cultural experiences, restricted vocabulary and poor understanding of social norms.

We aim to provide an excellent education for our children, which develops the highest possible standards. We have an ACE curriculum currently being developed by the academy. Everything children do in our academy is part of this curriculum. The total learning experience is designed to maximise achievement within the National Curriculum and develop skills, attitudes and attainment in the widest sense.

A – Aspirations

C – Collaboration

E – Experience

We aim to:

  • Provide children with opportunities to engage with the world beyond Chaddesden.
  • Ensure reading is a priority as we see this as the cornerstone of all learning.
  • Ensure our children have mathematical fluency and confidence in numeracy.
  • Give children high aspirations, opportunities to collaborate and a wide range of experiences. (The ACE curriculum)
  • Increase cultural capital by specifically giving children experiences of authors, artists, music and theatre.
  • Increase children’s knowledge of cultures and those from different faiths and backgrounds.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all year groups which builds progressive skills and knowledge of which the children can base their future learning.
  • Deliver a curriculum which allows children to commit learning to their long term memory.
  • Teach a wide range of metacognitive strategies to enable children to understand how they learn.
  • Ensure there is sufficient depth and coverage in all subjects we teach.
  • Base our curriculum on pupils’ current knowledge and understanding.
  • Provide opportunities for the children to build character including resilience, perseverance, confidence and tolerance through initiatives such as Forest schools and The Harmony Pledge.


Subject leaders are responsible for implementation within their curriculum area and this continues to be an area of development within the academy. Through continuous professional development, school leaders are ensuring subject leaders have the knowledge, expertise and practical skills to fulfil their role effectively. Leaders role model exemplary subject leadership and provide individual training and coaching where identified.  Core subjects have been addressed as a priority and have resulted in improved pupil outcomes. Our primary focus has been ensuring quality first teaching in every lesson of every day. Learning is now good and initiatives to further enhance QFT are being developed.

Schemes of work have been put in place for some subjects to support staff in some areas of the curriculum. Initiatives such as Forest school and the teaching of sport are strengths of the school. The Harmony Pledge has been implemented in October to further strengthen personal development of our pupils.

Partnerships have been developed to enable a wide range of enrichment to the curriculum. All year groups experience a singing programme which includes performing and understanding opera. A strong link has been formed with a school in China, resulting in reciprocal visits.

The impact of the changes we have implemented are being regularly monitored.

Deborah Drive, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 4RJ

Vicky Ratcliffe: Office Manager

01332 672338

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)