
Under the 1996 Education Act, parents and carers are responsible for ensuring their children attend school regularly and punctually. A register must be taken at the start of the morning and afternoon sessions. There is a legal document and set codes are followed.

By law, only schools can authorise absence. Parents / carers must let school know the reason for any absence and a decision will be made about whether to authorise this. It is unlikely that absence will be authorised for holidays or for any activity which could occur out of the school day. Whilst the Principal will consider all requests on a case-by-case basis, parents must be aware that requests will normally be refused. 


See the attendance policy below for further guidance and information.



Best possible chance of success Your child is taking full advantage of his/her learning



Has lost at least 2 weeks of learning Satisfactory. Your child may have to spend time catching up with their work.



Has lost at least 4 weeks of learning Your child could be in danger of underachieving and may need your help and support to keep up with their work



Has lost at least 5½ weeks of learning Your child’s poor attendance has a significant impact on their learning.

Attendance Under


Has lost at least 7½ weeks of learning Your child is losing a wide and varied education. You are in danger of being prosecuted.


We like to recognise persistently good attendance, some of the ways in which we do this are:

• Certificates for good attendance
• Weekly 100% (and notable) attendance prize draw
• Postcards home for improving attendance
• Weekly class of the week attendance – certificate and trophy
• Phone calls and notes home to celebrate improved attendance
• Termly attendance awards for those with 100% attendance (this includes those who have 
had essential medical appointments)
• Yearly attendance prize draw for those with 100% attendance (this includes those who have
had essential medical appointments)

Files to Download

Deborah Drive, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 4RJ

Vicky Ratcliffe: Office Manager

01332 672338

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)