Art and Design

The ACE curriculum through Art and Design 

“Creativity takes courage” - Henri Matisse


At Cavendish Close Junior Academy, we equip children with the tools to aspire to become great artists.  At the start of every year, we come together as an academy to take part in a ‘Take One Picture’ project.  The aim of this project is to inspire a lifelong love of art, as well as settling children in with a familiar structure at the beginning of each academic year.  It also helps to increase children’s knowledge of famous artists and to reflect upon a piece of creative work each year. 

We explore a wide range of skills and techniques throughout our Cavendish Close lesson structure for art, working in collaboration with others to explore different artistic approaches along the way.  Sketchbooks are used to keep a record of the creative process:  generating ideas, using key vocabulary and, practising our skills. We will then culminate our ideas before producing and evaluating our final pieces.  

We are currently an Artsmark accredited school which means we means that we put creatively and wellbeing at the heart of our art curriculum. Artsmark schools are devoted to bringing great art and cultural opportunities to children.  

Children experience many skills throughout our art lessons, which are repeated at a higher level as they move up within key stage 2, to ensure progression.  Importance is placed upon building the children’s awareness of a diverse range of famous artists and we encourage a range of verbal and written responses to artwork of varying forms.  We encourage our children to remain resilient throughout the art process and be a critical friend to both themselves, and one another though carefully considered reflection.  


Through all of these, our children are able become ACE Artists.

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Deborah Drive, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 4RJ

Vicky Ratcliffe: Office Manager

01332 672338

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)